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The mission of the Charlotte Land Trust is to conserve the natural and working lands of Charlotte for the benefit of present and future generations

Conserved Lands Map

Take a look, at the Conserved and Public Land Map created by updated by the Charlotte Land Trust and the Town's Planning and Zoning office showing all of the lands protected through conservation easements, Town Open Space Agreements and similar means.

It it represents years of effort by several land trusts, the Town, the commitment of many landowners and especially the support of so many Charlotters. For all of you who have supported the Charlotte Land Trust, look at what you've helped accomplish! Thanks for being our partners. 

Charlotte Conserved and Public Land Map

4,000 acres in resource-rich lands are conserved in Charlotte

“The health of all life, including our own, depends on the health of our soil, water and air, and the complex ecosystems they support. That’s why public and private conservation is so important. The Charlotte Land Trust helps us fulfill our stewardship responsibility right here at the local level, by identifying and negotiating the protection of areas, so they can contribute to Charlotte’s environmental health.” Linda Hamilton